Friday, February 24, 2012

Abstract, a slight decrease in operations ...

H., decrease lasix generic online in lung surgery improves symptoms in patients with severe pulmonary emphysema, but patients are not always satisfied with the surgical results. Our aim was to determine the profile and poor prognosis of cases of lung surgery reduction amount. A total of 58 patients with symptomatic emphysema were thoracoscopic reduction in emphysema lung tissue. Patients subjectively assessed their status after 3 months after surgery, as better, same or worse than before surgery. Of these, 30 are rated themselves better (58%), 17 as well (33%) and 4 (8%), and worse. Most patients with lung capacity (VC) more than 2000 ml (as a percentage of vital capacity to predicted values ​​(% VC) at 60%) of the upper lobe, superior and tsentrodolevaya emphysema were satisfied with surgical results. All patients with lower lobe predominance of lung or a panacinar emphysema evaluate the results worse. Six late deaths occurred due to pulmonary infection (3), respiratory failure (2), and unknown causes of sudden (1), most of these patients with low preoperative and postoperative VC of high partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO2). (Author ABSTRACT).

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