Friday, February 24, 2012

At about the sixteenth day of human development

Gastrointestinal tract of man belongs to the >> and <<, and sometimes all structures. ("Digestive system" is a broader term that includes other structures, including the

). B, the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is 5 meters (20 feet) in length in live subject, or up to 9 meters (30 feet) without effect, and consists of upper and lower GI tract. Tract can also be divided into, and displaying

origin of each segment of the path. Gastrointestinal tract is always away to help regulate the digestive process. These hormones, including, and indirect or

or mechanisms that cells release these hormones are stored in structures around. [Upper gastrointestinal tract consists of,, and. The exact distinction between the "upper" and "lower" can vary. For rough, duodenum may be the only authority, but he often divided into two parts, based on function, arterial feeding or embryology. [Lower gastrointestinal tract includes the majority, and all. According to some reports, it also includes. [Or: This digestive juice (), and () are mixed together. Digestive enzymes are destroyed

and and. >> << Contains bicarbonate, which produce and pancreatic juice, which contains bicarbonate to neutralize the hydrochloric acid >> <<: This is the average of the intestine that connects the duodenum to ileum. It contains

increase the surface area of ​​that part of the gastrointestinal tract. : C, where all soluble molecules absorbed into the blood (

s). : Fitted k). : Includes ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and

, ): the main function of the colon to absorb water, but it also contains

producing useful as. Sometimes used to separate the upper and lower GI tract. [This is a derivative structure. At about the sixteenth day of human development, >> << starts up (with the ventral surface of the embryo becomes) in two directions: the sides of the embryo once at each other, and the head and tail fold towards one another. As a result, some, >> << lined structure in contact with the point of view of the embryo begins to be pinched from a primitive. Yolk sac remains connected to the pipe through the intestines. Usually this structure is reduced during development, when it is not known how. In life, the primitive gut can be divided into three segments:,, and. Although these terms are often used in relation to the primitive segments of the intestine, they are also regularly used to describe the components furosemide lasix of the final colon, as well. Each segment of the intestine leads to specific gut and intestinal structures for further development. Elements derived from the intestine proper, including the

and develop tumors or stretching primitive intestine. Unlike gut derivatives, which those structures arising from the primitive intestine, but not part of the intestine proper, generally grow out pouchings primitive intestine. Blood vessels supplying these structures remain constant throughout development. [Time spent on food or other ingested objects in transit through the gastrointestinal tract depends on many factors, but roughly speaking, it takes 2. 5 to 3:00 after eating 50% of stomach contents to flow into the intestine and the total gastric emptying takes from 4 to 5:00 pm. Subsequently, 50% emptying of the small intestine is 2. From 5 to 3:00. Finally, in transit through the colon is 30 to 40 hours. [There are a number of diseases and conditions affecting the gastrointestinal tract, including:, also known as "stomach flu", an inflammation of the stomach and intestines

(including [the gastrointestinal tract can also be seen role. area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract, an estimated area of ​​the pitch. With such a large exposure, the immune system must work to prevent the ingress of pathogens in blood and lymph.immune system boosters for cancer patients low (1 to 4) of the stomach is fatal to many that the log into it. also

(city) neutralizes many of these microorganisms. Other factors to help the digestive tract of immune function as well, including in and

. such as CYP3A4, and antiportera activities and play an important role in the role of intestinal detoxification

-, for example, drugs are involved in.'s health to prevent potentially dangerous growths in the intestines. These two types of bacteria are fighting for space and "food", so how are scarce resources in the gastrointestinal tract. value 80-85% benefit for 15-20% of potentially harmful bacteria are usually considered normal in the gut. Microorganisms are also in fear of an extensive immune system comprising

(GALT). [gastro-intestinal tract is in the form of general histology with some differences that reflect the specialization in functional anatomy. or [mucous membrane the inner layer of the gastrointestinal tract, which wall surrounds or open space inside the tube. This layer is in direct contact with food called bolus, and is responsible for absorption, digestion and secretion, which are important processes in digestion. mucous highly specialized in each organ of the gastrointestinal tract, facing a low pH in the stomach, absorbing a lot of different substances in the small intestine and absorb specific amounts of water in the colon. Given the different needs of these bodies, the structure of the mucosa can consist of invagination of the secretory glands (eg, gastric pits), or it can be folded to increase surface area (in the small intestine, particularly ileum). [submucosal consists layer of dense irregular connective tissue with large blood vessels, lymph and nerve branching in the mucous and muscular exterior. It contains, located on the inner surface

external muscle. [external muscle consists of inner circular layer and outer muscular layer. circular muscle layer prevents food traveling back and longitudinal layer shortens the tract. coordinated reduction of these layers is called the

and pushing bolus or short, the food through the digestive tract. between two layers of muscles myenteric or is. [consists of several layers. When the adventitia is facing or peritoneal fold, adventitia is covered with a thin layer of mesothelium supported >> << and the formation or serous membranes. of the gastrointestinal tract, which is lined with adventitia cavity mouth, esophagus and anal canal. [[[at. << >>

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